Issue - decisions

Creation of Public Footpath Rights and Extinguishment of part of Footpath 501 in the Parish West End

21/07/2021 - Creation of Public Footpath Rights and Extinguishment of part of Footpath 501 in the Parish West End

1.1 This is a proposal for the creation by order of public footpath rights in West End, under Section 26 Highways Act 1980. The proposed footpath runs adjacent
to the definitive line of West End Footpath 501. The proposed route has been created by the developer and is in use as the section of FP501 has been blocked
by development.
1.2 It is then proposed that the authority is given for an extinguishment order under Section 118 of the Highways Act for that part of West End Footpath 501 that will no longer be needed for public use as a result of the above creation.
1.3 A plan of both the route to be created and the proposed extinguishment are shown on the accompanying plan attached.